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Back at Addenbrookes

Written by kevin

I had my second appointment at the fracture clinic today. This time I had to get some x-rays done so I was sent through to that department. About an hour and a half later I was called and a very helpful and friendly radiographer took the x-rays of my shoulder.

My main entertainment in the waiting area was listening to the groups of whinging old people. It was amazing how worked up some of them were getting about the wait, it’s not like they’ve got anything better to do.

One group started by discussing the inadequacies of the modern NHS and ended up with their views on how digusting it is to go to London and hear people speaking foreign languages. Their opinion seemed to be that all non-English people should immediately be deported. Don’t they know lots of people fought and died in the Second World War to defeat people like themselves?

Anyway, it looks like I’m out of action for at least another four weeks, the thought fills me with joy…

This entry was posted on Monday, January 27th, 2003 at 20:49 and is filed under overheard.

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