
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
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Old photos

Filed under: family — kevin @ 10:44

Dad emailed these pictures to me today, my Mum found them wedged into a frame behind another picture. They’re both of me at an early age, I think in the one on the left I’m probably around two or three and in the one on the right somewhere around five.
A young me with untidy hair and a fetching blue and red outfit A young me in a cardigan and tie

Hiking above Dutse

Filed under: friends,VSO — kevin @ 10:36

After a series of cryptic text messages (the first was “After 12 then”) Alex came round to take us on another hiking trip in the hills around Abuja. This time it was to be near Dutse and Dave, Marebec, Kate, Eva and Erin were going along.

The Harmattan dust has been quite bad the past few days, as you can see in these pictures looking down on the town of Dutse Alhaji. We’ve also had a few cold nights because of it, which means my shower water is getting pretty chilly in the mornings.
Metal-roofed house shining in the sun just visible through dust, trees in foreground Looking down on a small town with dirt roads

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