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Disappearing cat

Filed under: VSO — kevin @ 11:22

Russell the cat disappeared earlier this week. He spends most of the day outside, wandering around the compound and trying to catch geckos, a few days ago he didn’t come back in.

We checked around the house, looked all over our little compound and asked the security guards and other residents if they had seen him but nobody had.

Yesterday morning Joseph, one of our regular guards, said he had seen Russell during the night, with another cat. Later in the day I heard that a cat had been heard in the (unused) studio building. The studio building was built at the same time as the rest of Radio House, but there wasn’t enough money to complete the inside. These days it’s partly used for storage, piles of desks, dead equipment and stacks of papera litter the bare concrete passageways.

The guard let us into the building and straight away we could hear Russell wailing from the far end of the corridor. He had managed to fall into the empty liftshaft and wasn’t able to climb out. We couldn’t see him in the darkness, so I went back to the house for torches and came back to find Marebec helping the guard manouevre an old desk into the pit. There aren’t many ladders around Radio House, so I had to climb down the desk to retrieve a very dusty but uninjured Russell.

Today he’s at the vet being neutered, we’re hoping that will reduce his tendency to wander off far from home.

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