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Journeys: North America updated

Written by kevin

After months (years?) of the North American part of Journeys consisting mostly of placeholders I’ve actually done some more work on it.

The North America page now includes a brief outline of the route we drove, with links to some of the places we visited.

I also reorganised the files a bit, the Slovenia section was almost completely content-free, so it has gone now. The addresses have changed a bit as well, probably breaking some links but my clever new 404 error page should point people in the right direction.

The next step is to get round to rescanning some of the pictures. Quite a few of them are a bit too dark.

One, less noticeable, change is that <link> tags have been added, this makes navigation easier for people using text mode browsers and other non-graphical ways of using the web.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 1st, 2003 at 18:17 and is filed under site.

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