
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary


Structural changes

Filed under: site — kevin @ 21:49

I’ve been fiddling around with some of the template for this site, to try split things up a bit more. It’s now easier for me to add links (have a look in the column to the right).

The next thing will be some serious thinking about how to integrate the Journeys section of the site with this part. A good start would be including it in search results… tricky…


Filed under: other — kevin @ 09:13

As I was driving through Cambridge this morning it seemed that an unusually high number of people were carrying buckets. Must just be one of those things, once I noticed the first one I was more likely to notice others.

Or maybe it’s some kind of weird conspiracy?

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