
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary


Orange magazine

Filed under: tech — kevin @ 18:10

Got my copy of the latest Orange magazine yesterday. As usual it’s a fairly content-free advert for their services and the latest phones.

One article had a picture of one of the buildings from Halley, with an aurora behind it. The article had a bit of information about Halley then went on to talk about Orange’s wonderful international rates.

Two things were wrong with the article. In the first place they quoted 00 672 as the international code for Antarctica, it’s only the code for the Australian Antarctic Division. Secondly, you can’t phone Halley from an Orange phone. The phone link is by Inmarsat satellite phone (00 870), which is barred, probably because Inmarsat calls are too expensive even for Orange’s ‘rest of world’ band.

Update 10/1/03: apparently you can call Inmarsat numbers from Orange but you have to get the facility turned on specially.

Happy Birthday to me

Filed under: other — kevin @ 17:59

I’m 27 today, seems very old. Went out to the pub last night and was at the Junction on Tueday night to see Ezio so I’ll probably just have a quiet night in.

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