
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary



Filed under: other — kevin @ 23:17

Went out to the pub this evening. Walking back I felt really opressed by the hideous orange sky over Cambridge. Admittedly this place isn’t too bad, it’s just an overcast night, you can often actually see the stars.

It’s weird, I’m basically an urban person, I’ve never lived in the countryside. I still feel the need to look up and see the stars though…

Donnie Darko

Filed under: films — kevin @ 00:48

Just saw Donnie Darko, another not-very-cheerful film.

I’m not entirely sure what happened in the film, which I suppose is how you’re supposed to feel at the end. It mixes up so many different types of film: 80’s high school, dark teen angst, X-Files weirdness…

Jake Gyllenhaal as Donnie is convincingly confused and angry. It’s not all dark though, the occasional outbursts of humour brighten up the film when it’s in danger of becoming too miserable.

(don’t read the rest of this post unless you’ve seen the film)

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