
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary


More family visiting

Filed under: family — kevin @ 22:26

This weekend my sister Clare and her husband Iain came to visit. We went on a walk around Cambridge, visiting a few pubs along the way. The first was the Cambridge Blue, then the Fort St George, the Green Dragon and finally the Boat House.

Clare and Iain outside the Fort St George

In the evening we had a very nice meal at the Loch Fyne Restaurant on Trumpington Street.

Another shiny toy

Filed under: tech — kevin @ 22:16

I’ve finally got round to replacing my Handspring Visor PDA with something a bit newer and shinier: a Sony Clié T625.

Thumbnail of my new Clie.

It has a beautiful colour screen and all the latest PalmOS bells and whistles.

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