
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary



Filed under: site — kevin @ 20:49

I finally managed to make work for me, although the pedigree of my site is fairly dull just now.

OK, I know lots of these links aren’t new to people but they are to me and I’m the one who decides what goes in here.

Blogger code

Filed under: other — kevin @ 14:49

I found this site today. It seems my Blogger code is “B1 d t+ k s u f i+ o x e l c”. I must admit a fondness for online survey things. Another example is that my Political Compass coordinates are (-6.38, -6.36). Which puts me somewhere close to Ken Livingstone, scary!


Filed under: site — kevin @ 10:39

I was having my daily look at and noticed a link to this site.

Here are the stats for caboose.

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