
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary



Filed under: tech — kevin @ 19:00

Back in the early days of the World Wide Web (about 1994) I had just started using it at University. This was before the big search engines had appeared (imagine life without Google or AltaVista) so the main way of finding your way around was through links pages.

My favourite site for finding resources on the web was Global Navigator, set up by O’Reilly publishing. I just discovered that somebody has resurrected it after it was bought and then abandoned by AOL. Have a look at the New Global Network Navigator Home Page if you miss the early days of the web: using Mosaic, no animated GIFs, very little content, no annoying JavaScript bugs…

Security and privacy

Filed under: tech — kevin @ 18:51

News stories like this one seem to be pretty common these days. It’s usually just down to laziness and a lack of knowledge about security. Of course, behind it is the issue that the companies involved don’t care all that much about the security of your information.


Filed under: web — kevin @ 11:17

Noticed this last week, why doesn’t the Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands website have a .gs (South Georgia) address?

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