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House pictures

Written by kevin

I promised some pictures of the house, so here they are.

Today was a public holiday so I spent most of it cleaning my bathroom. After that it was still nice outside so I took some pictures of the house:
Picture of the house, from the kitchen end
To the left you can see one of our two water tanks and behind that the fuel tank for the large generator for Radio House.

Here’s Marebec standing outside the front door and the house from the other end (Radio House in the background):
Picture of Marebec standing outside the housePicture of the house from Marebec's bedroom end

From the front door you go straight into the living room:
Picture of the living room, showing the chairs and sofaPicture of the living room, showing the TV and fridge

A door from the living room leads through to the kitchen:
Picture of the kitchen, showing the cupboards and water filterPicture of the kitchen, showing the sink and windowPicture of the kitchen, showing the cooker and freezer
To the right of the first picture of the kitchen you can see the water filter. Every day we have to boil a couple of pans of water and put them through the filter so that we have clean drinking water.

From the other end of the living room a door leads through to the hall, to the left of the first picture is the door to my bathroom:
Picture of the hall, showing the doors to the two bedroomsPicture of my bathroom

The next door after the bathroom (the left hand one in the picture) leads to my bedroom:
Picture of my bedroom, showing the bed and deskPicture of my bedroom, showing the TV and aircon
The dalmatian-spotted sheets were supplied by FRCN, I’ve still not quite got used to them.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 22nd, 2005 at 10:18 and is filed under VSO.

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