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Moving in

Filed under: VSO — kevin @ 11:26

We’ve finally moved into the house!

On Monday the Director of Administration and Finance told us that the house was ready, so we arranged to move in on Tuesday.

It’s a nice little bungalow behind Radio House, in between it and Army Headquarters. We have a living room (with air con), a reasonably big kitchen with a dual gas-electric cooker and two bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. The bedrooms also have air con, TV and a CD player, all very luxurious.

There have been a few snags.

The main problem has been with our water supply. When we moved in we had a full tank of water, unfortunately it’s the lower tank and the pump that moves water up to the upper tank hadn’t been wired up.

Yesterday the pump was wired up and the upper tank filled, I was so happy I started cleaning the (filthy) kitchen. It turns out that there are some leaks in the water system, a few hours later the tank was empty again. This means waiting for the water company to refill the lower tank, which usually happens during the night.

This morning I worked out that the float valves in both toilet cisterns are faulty, so lots of our water is flowing straight down the drain. In the meantime we have two buckets that we can fill from a tap in the compound, one for flushing toilets and washing and the other for processing into drinking water.

Tonight we’re having a housewarming party, Marebec is spending the afternoon making snacks and we bought two crates of soft drinks (“minerals” here).

I’ll post some pictures of the house once we’ve cleaned it all up and it looks respectable.

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