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House, weather and social activities

Filed under: VSO — kevin @ 08:13

Updated: Added a picture of the rain.

We’re settling in to the house, developing a bit of a routine. We keep thinking of extra things we need to buy and Admin have a list of things that need to be fixed (lights and plumbing mostly) but it’s quite comfortable now.

The weather has been changing recently. It’s still very hot but we’ve had occasional heavy showers, usually accompanied by lightning. Last night I was out pumping water to our upper tank when a cool breeze sprang up, lightning was visible on the horizon and ten minutes later it started to rain. It didn’t last long, we probably caught the edge of heavier rain elsewhere in town. Here’s a picture from my office during one of the downpours:
Picture of heavy rain shower at Radio House, big raindrops bouncing off cars

On the social side of things I’ve been up to the British Village a couple of times to take part in Ronan’s pool competition (the “Paddy Cup”). I got knocked out in my first game but I’m into the semi-finals of the shield competition (for the losers). A couple of people are coming to stay on Friday, all the VSOs seem to have been invited to the celebrations of the Queen’s birthday at the British High Commissioner’s residence. I’m looking forward to a glass of nice red wine.

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