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Jackass: The Movie review

Filed under: films — kevin @ 19:53

OK, this is almost certainly the most stupid film around at the moment. It’s also the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. It’s not often you sit in a cinema with everyone laughing throughout the film.

Yes, it’s juvenile humour, but you don’t go to see it expecting high art. You expect to see a group of young men doing stupid things to themselves and that’s exactly what you get.

Classic moments include the destruction of a hire car and attempt to return it and Bam Margera’s way of getting his Mum to say fuck on film.

Weirdly the bit that had everyone cringing most was the paper cut scene, with the Jackass team giving each other paper cuts between the toes and fingers. There were more people in the cinema curling up in horror at this than at Bungee Wedgie or the disgusting wasabi snorting.

The IMDb link is here, if you liked the TV series you have to see the big screen version. If you didn’t like the series or don’t like the idea then go and watch something else.

I especially liked the scene where they were hiding on a golf course putting off golfers by sounding airhorns, but that’s just me.

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