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Working in Seattle

Written by kevin

A large concrete tower, with a disc perched on top, against a cloudy sky.On Friday I got back from a week working in Seattle, with one of the many customers for whom we customise Opera Mini.

The flight is pretty long, but fortunately we were able to start from Linköping and fly via Amsterdam. Unlike the last few times I’ve flown via Schiphol we didn’t have hours of hanging around there.

Most of my time was spent working, but I did have a free weekend and Adrian and Amy managed to travel down from Vancouver. It was really good to see them again and catch up over some beers and nice meals.

Here are some more pictures:
A monorail trail (with a veyr 1960's space-age design) is about to enter a tunnel through a building made of curved panels of iridescent metal. Looking ahead along monorail tracks curving and banking to the left.  Around trees on both sides of the tracks tall buildings can be seen.  Cars drive along the road below the tracks. Various aircraft, mostly small, sit on the floor or hang from the ceiling of a large hall.  In the centre is an SR-71 Blackbird

This entry was posted on Sunday, October 18th, 2009 at 15:28 and is filed under General.

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