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[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary

Perks of the job

Written by kevin

Jeremy has posted details of the perks of being a legislator in Nigeria.

It makes quite sickening reading, especially things such as “Senate President David Mark … is to have eight official cars including two for personal use, two as pilot cars, and one each for protocol, ambulance, security, and the press.” A man of such great importance obviously needs a separate car to ferry around his press lackeys and two to clear the roads in front of him.

It would be interesting to compare these perks to legislators in other countries, but I really don’t have time to research it just now. It would also be interesting to compare to some of the non-governmental people in Nigeria, such as the EU consultants who fly in, live in considerable luxury while they pass on their wisdom and then fly out again.

Still, it’s difficult to explain the level of revulsion and anger I feel every time some “big man’s” convoy passes by on the road. I’m pretty sure the average state governor here has a larger convoy than Tony Blair, just to make him feel more important.

A decent government would restrict these idiots to one car and a driver, possibly with some security vehicles, if required.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 20th, 2007 at 09:00 and is filed under VSO.

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