
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary


Weird referrers

Filed under: site — kevin @ 17:21

Looking at the stats for my site I’ve come across some very strange referrer strings.

Why are what look very much like porn sites referring to my site?

Very odd. My pet theory is that it’s some kind of weird advertising scheme, using fake referrers. Anyone else got any ideas?

Hot or not?

Filed under: web — kevin @ 10:51

Just found Blog HotorNot, most other people probably found it ages ago.

On this day…

Filed under: antarctica — kevin @ 10:42

Five years ago today I waved goodbye to Grimsby, as well as to my family and set off for two years in Antarctica.

It really doesn’t seem that long.

Might scan in some of the photos later, if I can find them.

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