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[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary

Small things

Written by kevin

You know you’re living in Nigeria when you buy yourself a tin of baked beans as a treat and it costs more than a beer!

It’s been an interesting week on the culinary front, I accidentally picked up a can of “smoke-flavoured” tuna last time I was at the Shagalinku supermarket. It turns out to be quite nice, they also do one with little spicy green peppers. It is tricky (and expensive) to get tuna in brine instead of oil though.

The roadsides are still full of women selling mangoes. I bought a couple and some yoghurt today, stuck them in the blender (which was my housewarming present to myself), a lovely cool, thick drink in the heat.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 13th, 2006 at 16:04 and is filed under VSO.

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