
Also on Caboose: Journeys Antarctica, Kerguelen Islands, South America, Turkey, Cameroon
[Nigeria]Nigerian glossary



Filed under: VSO — kevin @ 11:45

Today I’ve been wandering around the NTI campus with my colleague Isaac, trying to solve some problems with our wireless network. This has involved using a laptop to take measurements of signal strength, as you can see in the picture:
Two people measuring wireless signal strength with a laptop, standing on a dusty road in front of a gate

Saying goodbye to Janita

Filed under: friends,VSO — kevin @ 11:40

On Friday night we met up at the usual place, PDP. This was apparently once the local secretariat for the dominant Nigerian political party but is now a bar. It’s one of the few bars in the (largely Muslim) north of Kaduna city. It was a bit of a special occasion because Janita was leaving us, travelling back to Abuja and then home to the UK.

Here’s a picture, Janita is in the middle of the group next to Victoria (headmistress of the school for deaf children):
A group of people sitting around a plastic table with beers

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