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A Day in the Life

Written by kevin

[Requested by Catherine]

0730 Alarm goes off. Get up, shower, dress, make porridge and Milo (using powdered milk) for breakfast. Pour last night’s boiled water into the filter and start boiling some more (using the kettle to get it up to boiling and then ten minutes on the stove to kill the beasties). Fill up plastic bottles with filtered water. Dump the food waste bin contents in the heap at the other end of the compound.

0855 Leave the house and wander over to the office, greeting security guards along the way. Get to office, greet Jonah, Tayo and anyone else who’s around. Plug in the laptop and check email. Research software and hardware needed for various projects, provide advice on technical issues, attend meetings.

1230 Wander back to the house for lunch. Once a week or so go to one of the chop houses at Radio House instead.

1315 Switch on the pump to move water from the bottom tank to the roof tank. Stand by the switch and wait for the tank to overflow, switch off the pump (there’s no other way of telling when the tank is full).

1330 Wander back to the office. Doing the same things as before lunch. Go up to the twelfth floor (location of the newsroom and studios), which involves queueing for some time waiting for whichever of the four lifts are working today.

1730 Pack up laptop, leave the office, walk back to the house. Cook dinner (or do the dishes if it was Marebec’s turn to cook). Pour the morning’s water into the filter, boil more water. Listen to the radio, read, watch TV.

2200 Go to bed. Bedtime is earlier if there is no light.

Of course the times and what I do vary from day to day but that would be a fairly typical day.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 31st, 2005 at 15:03 and is filed under VSO.

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