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Written by kevin

I’ve been meaning to do some baking for a while. The bread here isn’t great, far too sweet and suspiciously yellow.

It took me a while to assemble the bits and pieces I need, loaf tins in particular seem to be very difficult to buy here. Then I had to summon up the enthusiasm and spare time for baking.

Yesterday afternoon I finally got round to it.
Picture of two loaves of freshly-baked bread

The end result was surprisingly good, especially considering that our oven doesn’t have any temperature settings (there is a little bit of variation in between on and off but not much). The tins are a bit of an odd shape but the bread had a nice crispy crust and a soft inside without huge air bubbles. It’s much harder work mixing up the dough without a mixer, so this morning I have aching shoulders.

Now we just need to get something to put on the bread…

The recent lack of updates and email has been due to the internet connection at work getting less and less reliable until on Friday it gave up completely. It seems to be OK today, so I’m catching up.

This entry was posted on Monday, May 23rd, 2005 at 10:12 and is filed under VSO.

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