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Cinema trip

Written by kevin

It’s been ages since I last went to the cinema, so it was just as well tonight’s film was a good one.

I saw Revengers Tragedy, which seems to be missing from the IMDB. It’s an adaptation of a play written in 1607 but now set slightly in the future and revolves around the main character’s revenge for the murder of his wife.

More information can be found on the film’s website and in director Alex Cox’s blog.

I liked the contrast between the modern (more run-down present than sci-fi future) setting and the archaic English dialog. Chumbawamba’s soundtrack also worked well. Go and see it, it’s fun.

Update: It seems Revengers Tragedy is in the IMDB, here, but their search engine couldn’t find it earlier. Odd.

This entry was posted on Friday, February 14th, 2003 at 23:25 and is filed under films.

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