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South America
North America
Turkey 2003
Mount Cameroon 2005
Technical notes

The site is a work in progress, the 'Album' page in each section contains some photos but only some sections have much text.

Contact me

Clicking on the flags will take you to the CIA World Factbook information about that country.


These are just other travel-related links.


Links to the sites of people I know.


Other websites I recommend

  • W3schools - online web building tutorials
  • WebMake - a program which makes maintaining this site much easier
  • Animated flags, courtesy of Pascal Gross
  • If you live in the UK Fax Your Mp provides an easy way of contacting your local MP, especially useful given that they don't all have email addresses.

And here are some relevant books to read, I don't have copies of all of them so some of the details are missing. I'd encourage you to buy them from your local bookshop, they need your support.

  • Antarctic Oasis, Tim and Pauline Carr (Norton, 1998), ISBN0-393-04605-2. A beautiful book about South Georgia, lots of pictures.
  • The Worst Journey in the World, Apsley Cherry-Garrard (?, ?). Cherry-Garrard was on Scott's last expedition to Antarctica and took part in the amazing journey to collect penguin eggs in winter.
  • In Patagonia, Bruce Chatwin. Very well written account of a journey round southern South America.
  • Voyage to Desolation Island, Jean-Paul Kaufmann. He has a weird attitude to the place, but he describes the landscape and atmosphere of Kerguelen well. (Original title: L'Arche des Kerguelen: voyage aux îles de la Désolation)

These are the irrelevant books, my favourite authors:

  • Iain (M) Banks, writes both thought-provoking sci-fi and gripping 'normal' fiction. In particular I like 'Consider Phlebas' (sci-fi), 'Whit' (non-sci-fi) and 'The Bridge' (non-sci-fi). The only reason I'm disinguishing between the sci-fi and non-sci-fi books is so you can find them in bookshops.
  • Louis de Bernières, the South American books, beginning with 'The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts' are very good.
  • Cormac McCarthy, the Border Trilogy of 'All The Pretty Horses', 'The Crossing' and 'Cities of the Plain' are just so beautifully written it hurts.

Of course by linking to these sites I'm not implying that they approve of or have even seen any of the material on this site.

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