Pictures in media : Ghana : ChristmasNewYear2006




AccraStreetScene_w.jpg: Accra street scene (ring road) [Tuesday 19th December 2006 10:44:33 UTC]

EatingAtNationalMuseum_w.jpg: Dave, Leo, Sarah, Pat, Karen and Marebec having lunch at the National Museum [Tuesday 19th December 2006 13:25:23 UTC]

JamestownLighthouse_w.jpg: Jamestown lighthouse [Tuesday 19th December 2006 14:44:27 UTC]

AccraFromJamestown_w.jpg: Accra from Jamestown harbour wall [Tuesday 19th December 2006 14:54:36 UTC]

FishingBoatsJamestownHarbour_w.jpg: Fishing boats in Jamestown harbour [Tuesday 19th December 2006 14:57:38 UTC]

InCellBlockFortUsher_w.jpg: In a cell block in Fort Usher [Tuesday 19th December 2006 15:34:48 UTC]

AngelMuralFortUsher_w.jpg: Angel mural in Fort Usher chapel [Tuesday 19th December 2006 15:36:46 UTC]

InCellBlockFortUsher2_w.jpg: Inside a cell block at Fort Usher [Tuesday 19th December 2006 15:40:38 UTC]

FortUsherBlackboard_w.jpg: Last notice on prison blackboard, Fort Usher [Tuesday 19th December 2006 15:47:35 UTC]

CellBlockCorridorFortUsher_w.jpg: Cell block corridor, Fort Usher [Tuesday 19th December 2006 15:47:53 UTC]

SudaneseGraffitiFortUsher_w.jpg: Sudanese graffiti, Fort Usher [Tuesday 19th December 2006 15:57:53 UTC]

IndependenceMonument_w.jpg: Independence monument, Accra [Tuesday 19th December 2006 17:20:37 UTC]

IndependenceMonumentAndTroTro_w.jpg: Independence monument (with tro-tro), Accra [Tuesday 19th December 2006 17:20:46 UTC]

MyBedBigMillys_w.jpg: My bed at Big Milly's Backyard [Thursday 21st December 2006 10:28:27 UTC]

OurRoomBigMillys_w.jpg: Our room at Big Milly's Backyard, with lots of washing hanging up [Thursday 21st December 2006 10:30:54 UTC]

RestaurantBigMillys_w.jpg: Restaurant and beach gate at Big Milly's Backyard [Thursday 21st December 2006 10:31:52 UTC]

FishingBoatsKokrobite_w.jpg: Fishing boats on Kokrobite beach [Thursday 21st December 2006 10:32:36 UTC]

FishingBoatKokrobite_w.jpg: Fishing boat on Kokrobite beach [Thursday 21st December 2006 10:32:52 UTC]

SurfingSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Small boys surfing at Senya Beraku [Friday 22nd December 2006 12:01:32 UTC]

SenyaBerakuBeachFromFort_w.jpg: Senya Beraku beach from Fort of Good Hope [Friday 22nd December 2006 12:01:38 UTC]

MarebecDaveAtFortOfGoodHope_w.jpg: Marebec and Dave having a drink at the Fort of Good Hope [Friday 22nd December 2006 12:55:38 UTC]

CannonsFortOfGoodHope_w.jpg: Cannons at the Fort of Good Hope [Friday 22nd December 2006 14:44:34 UTC]

FishingBoatsSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Fishing boats at Senya Beraku [Friday 22nd December 2006 14:50:01 UTC]

SenyaBeachToFort_w.jpg: [Friday 22nd December 2006 14:50:16 UTC]

KidsSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Kids on the beach at Senya Beraku [Friday 22nd December 2006 14:52:46 UTC]

WomenSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Women waiting to unload fish at Senya Beraku [Friday 22nd December 2006 14:53:31 UTC]

BeachFortOfGoodHope_w.jpg: Beach and Fort of Good Hope, Senya Beraku [Friday 22nd December 2006 14:54:54 UTC]

KidsSwimmingSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Kids swimming at Senya Beraku [Friday 22nd December 2006 15:18:33 UTC]

FirstBoatsBackSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: First fishing boats come back in to Senya Beraku [Saturday 23rd December 2006 06:45:14 UTC]

SenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Senya Beraku town [Saturday 23rd December 2006 07:10:20 UTC]

FirstBoatDancingSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: First boat back in to Senya Beraku, the crew are singing and dancing to celebrate their catch [Saturday 23rd December 2006 07:16:17 UTC]

BoysSwimmingSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Boys swimming out with containers for fish [Saturday 23rd December 2006 07:16:40 UTC]

FishingBoatsSailSenyaBeraku_w.jpg: Fishing boats at Senya Beraku, on with a sail [Saturday 23rd December 2006 07:20:37 UTC]

BoysSwimmingSenyaBeraku2_w.jpg: Boys swimming out with containers for fish, Senya Beraku [Saturday 23rd December 2006 07:29:40 UTC]

BoysSwimmingSenyaBeraku3_w.jpg: Boys swimming out with basins for fish, Senya Beraku [Saturday 23rd December 2006 07:29:59 UTC]

SenyaBerakuBeachFromFort2_w.jpg: Senya Beraku beach from the Fort of Good Hope [Saturday 23rd December 2006 07:32:12 UTC]

SenyaBerakuUnloadingFish_w.jpg: Senya Beraku beach, fish being unloaded [Saturday 23rd December 2006 08:15:21 UTC]

DoNotUrinateHere_w.jpg: “Do not urinate here” [Sunday 24th December 2006 12:24:31 UTC]

DormEllisHideout_w.jpg: Dorm at Ellis Hideout [Monday 25th December 2006 16:24:22 UTC]

ButreBeachOutsideEllis_w.jpg: Butre beach, outside Ellis Hideout [Monday 25th December 2006 16:31:08 UTC]

MarebecDaveButreBeach_w.jpg: Marebec and Dave walking along Butre beach toward Fanta's Folly [Monday 25th December 2006 16:31:23 UTC]

LookingTowardButre_w.jpg: Looking along Butre beach toward the village [Monday 25th December 2006 16:55:26 UTC]

BalloonAnimals_w.jpg: Before Christmas dinner, balloon animal time [Monday 25th December 2006 17:34:56 UTC]

AfterChristmasDinner_w.jpg: After Christmas dinner [Monday 25th December 2006 19:20:00 UTC]

CapeCoastStreet_w.jpg: Cape Coast street scene [Wednesday 27th December 2006 10:43:41 UTC]

EastFromCapeCoastCastle_w.jpg: Looking east along the coast from Cape Coast castle [Wednesday 27th December 2006 11:07:19 UTC]

FishermenBelowCapeCoastCastle_w.jpg: Fishermen below Cape Coast castle (outside the “door of no return”) [Wednesday 27th December 2006 11:08:16 UTC]

CannonsCapeCoastCastle_w.jpg: Cannons at Cape Coast castle [Wednesday 27th December 2006 12:06:34 UTC]

CannonsMaleDungeonCapeCoastCastle_w.jpg: Cannons and the former exit from the male dungeon, Cape Coast castle [Wednesday 27th December 2006 12:06:53 UTC]

MainBuildingsCapeCoastCastle_w.jpg: The main buildings at Cape Coast castle [Wednesday 27th December 2006 12:08:43 UTC]

DoorOfReturn_w.jpg: The outside of the “Door of no return” [Wednesday 27th December 2006 12:21:35 UTC]

CannonsCapeCoastCastle2_w.jpg: Cannons at Cape Coast Castle [Wednesday 27th December 2006 12:38:37 UTC]

CapeCoastCastleCannonsFishingBoats_w.jpg: Cape Coast castle: cannons and fishing boats [Wednesday 27th December 2006 12:47:40 UTC]

GovernorsResidenceCapeCoastCastle_w.jpg: The Governor's residence, Cape Coast castle [Wednesday 27th December 2006 13:05:10 UTC]

LookingAlongBattlementsCapeCoastCastle_w.jpg: Looking along the battlements at Cape Coast castle [Wednesday 27th December 2006 13:06:23 UTC]

CapeCoastCentreFromFortWilliam_w.jpg: Cape Coast town centre from Fort William [Wednesday 27th December 2006 17:47:25 UTC]

FortVictoriaAndSunset_w.jpg: Fort Victoria and sunset from Fort William, Cape Coast [Wednesday 27th December 2006 17:47:50 UTC]

OldLighthouseDoorCapeCoast_w.jpg: Old lighthouse door, Fort William, Cape Coast [Wednesday 27th December 2006 17:48:27 UTC]

InternetEquipmentFortWilliam_w.jpg: Internet equipment, Fort William, Cape Coast [Wednesday 27th December 2006 17:51:01 UTC]

LagoosBypassFromFortVictoria_w.jpg: Lagoon and bypass from Fort Victoria, Cape Coast [Wednesday 27th December 2006 18:28:38 UTC]

FortStJagoElmina_w.jpg: Fort St Jago, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 08:57:38 UTC]

ElminaFishingHarbour_w.jpg: Elmina fishing harbour [Thursday 28th December 2006 08:58:11 UTC]

BoatEnteringElminaHarbour_w.jpg: Boat entering Elmina fishing harbour [Thursday 28th December 2006 08:59:22 UTC]

ElminaFishingHarbourAndFortStJago_w.jpg: Elmina fishing harbour and Fort St Jago [Thursday 28th December 2006 08:59:38 UTC]

MarebecDrawbridgeElmina_w.jpg: Marebec on the drawbridge at St George's Castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:02:57 UTC]

FortStJagoFromStGeorgesCastleEntrance_w.jpg: Fort St Jago from entrance to St George's Castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:03:07 UTC]

CourtyardStGeorgesCastle_w.jpg: In the courtyard, St George's castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:27:50 UTC]

CellDoorStGeorgesCastle_w.jpg: Cell door, St George's Castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:32:49 UTC]

BatsInMagazineElmina_w.jpg: Bats in the former magazine, St George's Castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:34:08 UTC]

ChapelCourtyardStGeorgesCastle_w.jpg: The chapel and courtyard, St George's Castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:43:03 UTC]

FortStJagoFromStGeorgesBattlements_w.jpg: Fort St Jago from the battlements of St George's Castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:44:53 UTC]

HaulingFishingBoat_w.jpg: Hauling a fishing boat in to the beach, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:45:27 UTC]

ResidenceWindowsStGeorgesCastle_w.jpg: Residence windows, St George's Castle, Elmina [Thursday 28th December 2006 09:48:16 UTC]

1stClassSleeper_w.jpg: Ghana Railways 1st class sleeping car, Takoradi [Friday 29th December 2006 08:50:32 UTC]

AbandonedCarriagesTakoradi_w.jpg: Abandoned carriages at Takoradi station [Friday 29th December 2006 08:51:03 UTC]

ManufacturersPlateOnCarriage_w.jpg: Manufacturer's plate on passenger carriage at Takoradi station [Friday 29th December 2006 08:53:04 UTC]

DerelictCafeteriaTakoradiStation_w.jpg: Derelict cafeteria at Takoradi station [Friday 29th December 2006 08:58:05 UTC]

EntranceFortOrange_w.jpg: Entrance to Fort Orange, Sekondi [Friday 29th December 2006 10:12:03 UTC]

FortOrangeLighthouse_w.jpg: Fort Orange lighthouse, Sekondi [Friday 29th December 2006 10:12:12 UTC]

1stClassSleeperCorridor_w.jpg: 1st class sleeping car corridor [Friday 29th December 2006 20:42:27 UTC]

MyCabinKumasiTrain_w.jpg: My cabin in the Takoradi-Kumasi sleeper [Friday 29th December 2006 20:42:47 UTC]

StationSignKuranti_w.jpg: Station sign, Kuranti, where we stopped for several hours [Saturday 30th December 2006 07:04:28 UTC]

WaitingKuranti_w.jpg: Waiting for something to happen at Kuranti [Saturday 30th December 2006 07:04:58 UTC]

OtherTrainPasses_w.jpg: The other train passes by, Kuranti [Saturday 30th December 2006 07:11:29 UTC]

MyRoomXofa_w.jpg: My room at Xofa Eco-Village [Monday 1st January 2007 16:04:43 UTC]

RoomsPathXofa_w.jpg: Rooms and path at Xofa Eco-Village [Monday 1st January 2007 16:07:16 UTC]

DaveMarebecRelaxingXofa_w.jpg: Dave and Marebec relaxing at Xofa [Monday 1st January 2007 16:08:14 UTC]

ShoreLakeVolta_w.jpg: The shore of Lake Volta, Xofa Eco-Village [Monday 1st January 2007 16:08:40 UTC]

LakeVoltaHarmattan_w.jpg: Lake Volta in Harmattan, there's a big island out there somewhere [Monday 1st January 2007 16:09:53 UTC]

BeadMaking_w.jpg: Mr Nomoda demonstates bead making, Cedi bead factory [Tuesday 2nd January 2007 11:49:02 UTC]

PowderedGlass_w.jpg: Powdered glass arranged for a bead, ready for firing (but in a glass jar to demonstrate) [Tuesday 2nd January 2007 11:49:20 UTC]

BeadsReadyForFiring_w.jpg: Powdered glass in bead moulds, ready for firing [Tuesday 2nd January 2007 11:49:28 UTC]

BeadsIntoFurnace_w.jpg: Bead moulds going into the furnace, Cedi bead factory [Tuesday 2nd January 2007 12:01:51 UTC]

PolishingBeads_w.jpg: Polishing beads after firing, Cedi bead factory [Tuesday 2nd January 2007 12:06:48 UTC]

PolishingBeads2_w.jpg: Polishing beads, Cedi bead factory [Tuesday 2nd January 2007 12:07:23 UTC]

StringingBeads_w.jpg: Stringing beads, Cedi bead factory [Tuesday 2nd January 2007 12:11:07 UTC]

InvisibleHandremoving_w.jpg: Sign at Kaneshie martket. [Monday 15th January 2007 08:52:22 UTC]